Monday, January 25, 2010

Dear Alex

Dear Alex,

Hi, it's your friend. I know we talk occasionally, but here's a few things I think I should let you know:

If you live farther away from work than you used to live, you have to leave earlier than you used to leave. I know it's hard, but it's something you have to do. This also means you should probably go to bed at a decent hour, for the most part.

If you insist on wearing wind shorts and/or no socks to bed in the middle of winter, you will probably be cold and uncomfortable.

If you don't practice, you won't get better.

You should probably exercise regularly. If it's cold/windy/any other not-so-fun weather, figure out a different way to get in shape, even if it means using the slightly ghetto fitness center in your apartment complex. Good job on getting started, though.

You cannot continue buying things you don't need as long as you're getting paid what you are. That means that pair of TOMS you've been looking at and that book you've been waiting for are not necessary. That being said, if you can hang out with friends (if you're not strapping for finances), do so; just budget yourself. Splurging is allowed occasionally (OCCASIONALLY).

God and I are good buddies, and we usually get along. However, if it comes between him and me, I would go with him.

Wearing open-toed shoes in the winter is not your brightest idea. Also, wearing uncomfortable shoes when you know they will cause you some physical discomfort isn't good, even if they do make you 5'5" or 5'6".

Getting your hopes up feels great but is very dangerous territory (especially concerning the opposite sex).

If you know drinking that much diet soda is not good for you, then FIND A GOOD SUBSTITUTE.

Eating healthy can be costly sometimes, but it can taste good, if you'll just give it more chances (I know you don't really like vegetables, but I know you could probably like more if you just tried...remember those spinach leaves on your sandwich?).

If you're going to continue to wear your Little Miss Sunshine shoes, you can't complain when people mistake you for a student.

Don't worry so much (God and I agree on that one).

I know you'll have a hard time listening to me on some of these, but just know I'm looking out for your best interests.

Hope to see you soon,
Common Sense