Saturday, October 31, 2009


So I was leaving my house about 4:45 this morning and wasn't particularly happy about it. There was, however, a beautiful starry sky, so that made it a little bit better. Then, about an hour later, as we were on the bus headed toward a choir contest, I decided to look out the window again, and it appeared to me the stars had "set", I guess, a little. That got me thinking a bit...

The world turns, and we don't actually feel it spinning. It orbits the sun, and we don't feel it moving. Somehow there's gravity on Earth but not outside of it. Earth and the other heavenly bodies stay in place, if you will, but if you or an object end up outside of the bodies' atmospheres, you go floating off into space. How is it things so big stay essentially suspended? Maybe the big things are hurtling through space, too, but at a much slower pace...but even if that were true, how is it that gravity between atmospheres can be so different?

I kind of like not having a solid scientific explanation for this, about why all these gravities/atmospheres/etc. are different. It feels a little unsettling but also reassuring at the same time. I think it's one of those things that maybe God doesn't really want us to understand, to just think about it in awe and wonderment, to understand that sometimes God is the only explanation.